The time
has come for us
to change Lefkada

We are not here only to ask for your vote. We are here to plan together the next day of Lefkada. We are here to evaluate the issues and change what we don’t like. We are here to co-develop our municipal goals which will be our compass.

What is wrong that needs to be made right immediately? What would you change in your every day life? What are your expectations for the island you love? How do you envision the future of our island? Share your ideas with us.

My name is:
My contact details are:
What would you like to change in Lefkada:

We are here
for an
open dialogue

We are here to listen to you.
Submit your inquiries, which we will take under serious consideration
and we will get back to you with a response.

My name is:
My contact details are:
My question is:

Become a volunteer
and support
our effort

A lot has to happen. We deserve more. In this effort nobody can be left out. If you believe our efforts are worth your support, become a volunteer in our campaign. Look into how you can participate and make a difference.

My name is:
My contact details are:
I expressly declare that I am an adult and I was born:
I want to volunteer in:
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